Septembre 2014

Il Giornale



September 2014

EXPOdetergo International, the starting place for the “Future of laundries”

On 3-6 October more than 250 companies from across the world will be at Rho (Milan) to show

how the broadest, most promising market of machinery and services is changing radically


May 2014 - Magyar


Mai 2014

Expodetergo, a trade show with the right fabric


EXPOdetergo International, 2014, a trade show with the right fabric

Video made on the occasion of "Notice the difference?"

May 6, 2014 Circolo della Stampa - click on image

May 2014 - Notice the difference?

Press release - Notice the difference? 
May 6, 2014 Circolo della Stampa - Milan

March 2014

EXPOdetergo International 2014, already at “fever”

pitch -- proof is in the thousands of requests
made by prospective visitors

When people ask not only if children, but also pets, are allowed, we can be certain that the Event is among those with a Capital E. The same holds true if the questions are about child care, parking, food services and accessibility.

Requests in hand, thousands of requests in hand, this is EXPOdetergo International 2014, set to take place at Fiera Milano this fall: October 3rd to 6th.






Institutional video





Media partners





© EXPODETERGO S.R.L. à Associé Unique

ORGANISATEUR : Fiera Milano S.p.A


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